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Dogs can catch the flu? What dog parents need to know.

Did you know that humans are not the only ones who can catch the flu? Unfortunately for man’s best friend, dogs are also susceptible to their own version of it.

Did you know that humans are not the only ones who can catch the flu? Unfortunately for man’s best friend, dogs are also susceptible to their own version of it.

Dog flu is a year-round illness that can easily spread from dog to dog, but isn’t contagious to humans. Spring or early summer is a great time for pet parents to talk to their veterinarians about vaccinating their dogs against dog flu, either for the first time or for re-vaccination, because warmer weather means more time spent outside socializing with other dogs – and more social time can increase a dog’s chance of getting sick. Dog flu is highly contagious and can pass between dogs through virus particles in the air, physical contact with other dogs, indirect contact with an infected dog or contact with a person who has interacted with an infected dog. Since dogs have no natural immunity against dog flu, almost all non-vaccinated dogs that come in contact with the virus will become sick.Dog flu is not seasonal, it is year-round; but because dogs tend to be more social in the spring in many parts of the country, they are more likely to encounter a contagious dog. Plus, with summer approaching, dogs that will be boarded should finish the dog flu vaccination at least two weeks before the planned date of boarding. Dogs vaccinated for the first time need two vaccinations, two to four weeks apart. Annual re-vaccination just requires one vaccination.  Bivalent vaccines, which are vaccines that contain both strains of dog flu, were introduced to the market in 2016 and 2017. Millions of dogs have been vaccinated against dog flu.Summer weather is exciting for both pet parents and their dogs – it means it’s time to get outside and play. Avoid the risk of dog flu by talking to a veterinarian about vaccination and visiting to find a veterinarian and schedule an appointment for a dog flu vaccination for your pet.

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