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Homemade Food for your Paw Baby – the Puppers

An all-round meal for your puppy:

It takes a certain amount of effort on your part when you want to feed your puppy home-prepared food. Make sure you have the time to prepare the food on a regular basis. Dogs have unique caloric needs, much like humans, and need some vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. In order to grow at a reasonable pace and thrive, puppies have much more unique needs. It must be full and compatible with the food you feed your puppy and support their development.

Prepare a healthy platter:

Puppies usually require about twice as many calories a day as their adult counterparts. Make sure their meal has a proper balance of:

  • Proteins like fish, chicken, turkey, and lean beef
  • Carbohydrates like pasta, rice, potatoes
  • Vegetables like green beans, peas, carrots
  • Fats like vegetable oil
  • Vitamins and mineral supplements

Use your best ingredients and prepare a wholesome meal for your pup. Set up a regular weekly schedule, allowing them some treats every now and then. Don’t forget to increase portions as your puppy grows, and their appetite increases.

Try out these innovative homemade recipes:

When it comes to creativity, there are plenty of dog food recipes available! Some of them are:

  1. A tasty salmon meal for your puppers along with some cooked and crunchy salmon skin make a delicious dish. Add broccoli stem, peeled carrots, and squash to make a bite-size meal on the go!
  2. An easy and inclusive meal made of brown rice, turkey/chicken, and veggies like baby spinach, carrots, and zucchini
  3. Turn the above dish into a delicious stew for a soupy treat
  4. Meat and veggie mash 
  5. Meatballs for a fun and interesting meal. Add a portion of pumpkin puree and the oat bran to ensure effective digestion
  6. Food cakes made with a combination of ingredients above, including a dash of peaches, plums, and pears
  7. Meat cakes and meatloaf
  8. Homemade crunchy kibbles made with whole wheat or oat
  9. Scrambled spinach and salmon- the perfect mix of health and taste for your puppy
  10. Veggie bowl- mix up some mashed sweet potatoes, black beans, brown rice, and spinach stems
  11. Chicken rice balls- all of your pup’s favourites: meat, sweet potatoes, and eggs
  12. Mini omelettes
  13. Chicken casseroles

To ensure that your puppy maintains good health, make sure you weigh your dog regularly. Before beginning the homemade diet, take your dog to the vet so that your doctor may decide their optimal weight. Customize the diet of your puppy, appease picky eaters, combat problems of food allergies, and embrace just the bond-building enjoyment of preparing your pup a home-cooked meal.

Whichever approach you prefer, remember that every pup is different and ensure to attend to the customized needs of your puppy!