The heat and humidity lately have pet owners rushing to see their groomer, because if you’re sweating or uncomfortable in this weather, your pet probably is too.
The heat and humidity lately have pet owners rushing to see their groomer, because if you’re sweating or uncomfortable in this weather, your pet probably is too.
La Crescent Animal Care has professional groomers and they say it’s not just about the haircut.
A day at the pet spa includes grooming of all sorts, such as a nice haircut with a little off the top, or a good shampooing to get that fur velvety soft again. All that special treatment should be provided by someone who does it daily. Kimberly Cook, a nationally certified master groomer at La Crescent Animal Care says, “I started certifying in 1997 and finished up in 2006. I was a competitive groomer from 2009 to 2011.”
Kimberly has the awards and recognition from her national and international competitions to back that up. Now she likes teaching her clients about proper grooming and how often it should be done. Kimberly, with over two decades of experience added, “I try to educate my clients in that it is part of their health care. So we would like you to be on a four to six week schedule.”
Tory Macejik, another pet stylist at La Crescent Animal Care, says that keeping up with grooming could pay off in the long run for your pets health. “For groomers, we pretty much check everything on the dogs body because we give them hair cuts, we give them baths, trim their nails, so we see everything. If a dog has something wrong with its’ paw or an ear infection, or ticks, or fleas, or a growth or something. We always inform the customer.”
But what about the heat and humidity? Should your pet change its’ haircut just because of the warmer season? Kimberly says no and for good reason. She explains by saying, “You don’t have to shave a dog to make it more comfortable. This can actually cause problems with sunshine, UV, and stuff like that. The most important thing is to make sure they have water and keep those paws off the hot pavement. Other than that they can have their same haircut all year long.”
After the grooming, not only will your pet be happier and healthier, but you will be just as happy knowing that it was professionally done and you don’t have to deal with the clean up of all that fur.
An interesting note from the groomers, Tory and Kimberly; they say playing soothing music and having essential oils filling the room really helps to calm the animals nerves. They even have special essential oils for cats. La Crescent Animal Care are busy and currently booking for two weeks out.
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